Sold [WTB] Buying legally obtained Gift Cards [e.g, Amazon, Starbucks, Steam and etc]

Discussion in 'Amazon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MzLightning, 9/26/16.

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  1. MzLightning

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    The boring story - Skip it.

    So I'm looking to buy some Gift cards because... Well, I need them. I'll be purchasing gift cards that I need. I'll be purchasing some other gift cards that I don't need to, provided they're cheap.How much will I pay for your Gift cards?
    I'll be offering anywhere from 25% to 80% for Gift cards.
    I'll be buying them with either PayPal or Bitcoin. I'll not be going first most of the time unless you're extremely trusted. Even then, I will still not be going first for large amount of deals - even if you're trusted.
    The Gift Cards that I've prices for.
    Here are some of the Gift cards that I've prices for

    Amazon Gift Card - 65% PayPal or 50% Bitcoin
    Steam Gift Card - 55% PayPal or 35% Bitcoin
    Karma Koin Gift Card - 50% PayPal or 30% Bitcoin

    Others - Contact me for specific prices

    Price can be flexible at times.
    If the Gift Card you're offering isn't listed above, please contact me on Skype for my prices on the specific Gift Cards but, expect it to be pretty low.

    Important Information
    If you want Bitcoin over PayPal, minus 15% off the PayPal percentage offer and you'll get what I'll offer in Bitcoin. (E.g, 80% for PayPal but, 65% for Bitcoin). Note: this is usually what will happen but, not always.

    Please contact me on my Skype with the button provided below;
    If for any reason you cannot contact me with the button above, please contact me with the Private Message system on the forum.

    Terms & Conditions
    Please no selling me carded or illegally obtained Gift Cards

    If you're going to add me and prepare to offer me a Gift Card, be prepared to provide the Gift card first
    If you're going to deal with me, you agree with the above

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