How to SE Fitbit for Beginners [Fitbit Charge] [Charge HR] [Alta]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by joe9411, 9/26/16.

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  1. joe9411

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    Fitbit is in the process of removing all their Fitbit Charges from their inventory and replacing them with the Alta.

    Step 1. Find a Fitbit Charge account or buy one off amazon, connect it to a new account (rinse and repeat) and return the fitbit. (Accounts are going for fairly cheap).
    *Make sure you turn off bluetooth/sycning before proceeding to the next step!
    Step 2. Contact their live chat. Be polite to the representative. Ask them how they are doing etc. Tell them that you're fitbit charge is only holding a 2-3 hour charge or no charge at all and that the fitbit is practically new. They will go through the usual troubleshooting, asking you to reset the fitbit, to plug it in to a usb port.
    Step 3. Pretend that you have been doing all that. The rep will ask if you were able to reset the fitbit after holding on to the button for 20 seconds. Tell them that nothing pops up and that the screen is now dead.
    Step 4. They will offer a replacement and ask for the colour and size of the fitbit. Tell them Black and Large. They will tell you that they don't have that available anymore and will offer you one in X-Large. Tell them that it won't fit you. The rep will take a couple minutes and then offer you the Fitbit ALTA at no additional charge.
    Step 5. You can either accept the Fitbit Alta or ask for a Fitbit Charge HR. It's completely up to you.
    Step 6. Provide shipping and info and now you're done!

    BE NICE TO THE REPRESENTATIVE. CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH! One of the representatives once even offered to replace the Charge with a fitbit blaze(retail packaging).
    You can do this 2-3 times to the same address before they deny you.

    I hope this helps you guys!

    A thanks/rep+ would be nice but not necessary!

    Some Examples!
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