Selling Final Fantasy Record Keeper Account Loaded FFRK

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Abel4, 9/25/16.

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  1. Abel4

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    So, I understand that I am a brand new member to this site/community and have newly created this account. So, for the sake of fair trade and to show that I am indeed reputable, I will link this to my eBay sale page, where I am currently selling my FFRK Account and have an outstanding reputation. All of the pictures and details are there as well. I am open to best offers, so don't hesitate. Thank you for reading this! God Bless. 84.m1586.l2649

    This account contains the following:

    Final Fantasy Record Keeper Account

    As of Wednesday, September 21st 2016:

    169 Stamina
    165 Mythril
    39 Million Gil

    All Realm dungeons are complete both classic and elite
    All Nightmare dungeons are complete
    All Events completed since Paladin Cecil was introduced to the game
    All Characters obtained.
    All Hall of Rites/Memory Crystals I and II acquired
    29 record materias left out of about 300
    24 Rosetta Stones
    3 Major growth eggs
    27 Greater growth eggs
    34 Growth eggs
    54 Lesser growth eggs

    All Record Sphere/Motes:
    3* Spirit - 258
    3* Dexterity - 254
    3* Vitality - 270
    3* Wisdom - 249
    3* Bravery - 269
    4* Spirit - 21
    4* Dexterity - 23
    4* Vitality - 30
    4* Wisdom - 36
    4* Bravry - 36

    Fully loaded with orbs, I will only list Greater and Major Orbs:
    Power - 44 Greater , 51 Major
    White - 128 Greater , 74 Major
    Black - 29 Greater , 66 Major
    Summon - 88 Greater , 73 Major
    Non-Elemental - 93 Greater , 72 Major
    Fire - 88 Greater , 81 Major
    Ice - 112 Greater , 53 Major
    Lightning - 27 Greater , 71 Major
    Earth - 185 Greater , 73 Major
    Wind - 73 Greater , 54 Major
    Holy - 123 Greater , 74 Major
    Dark - 14 Greater , 120 Major

    All Power Crystals aquired and unused
    Power - 21
    White - 10
    Black - 14
    Summon - 10
    Non-Elemental - 15
    Fire - 14
    Ice - 4
    Lightning - 5
    Earth - 9
    Wind - 9
    Holy - 6
    Dark - 6

    Notable Weapons, Armor:
    FF Core: Sentinels Grimoire
    FF I : Healing Staff
    FF II : Dancing Dagger
    FF III : Tyrfang, Scholor Hat
    FF IV : Shadowblade 6*, Kotetsu 6*, Flame Sword, Blood Lance, Stardust Rod, Ice Whip, Dark Helm, Luminous Robe, Bards Bracelet
    FF V : Partisan, Kaiser Knuckles, Healing Staff, Sages Staff 7*, Mace of Zeus, Yoichis Bow, Gaia Gear
    FF VI : Nephelim Flute, Dragon CLaws 7*, Kotetsu (15/15 Augment), Rune Blade, Thunder Blade, 6* Man Eater, Heroic Scarf
    FF VII : 1st Fusion Sword (20/20 Augment), Murasame, Yoshiyuki (14/20 Augment), Zacks Gloves. Full Metal Staff, Yellow Megaphone, Vincents Cape, Circlet, Edincoat, Adamant Bangle
    FF VIII: Crescent Wish, Machine Gun, Cutting Trigger, Betrayal Sword, Maverick, Rising Sun
    FF IX : Defender 6*, Storm Staff 6*, Oak Staff, Diamong Sword, Thunder Gloves
    FF X : Lightning Steel 6*, Shimmering Blade, Lullaby Rod, Full Metal Rod, Celebration Blade 6*, Defense Veil x2
    FF XI : No Synergy
    FF XII : Lohengrin, Traitors Bow, Kogarasumaru, Holy Rod 6*, Ras Algethi, Hammerhead 6*, Gungnir, Survival Vest
    FF XIII: Blazefire Sabre, Keepsake Knife, Vega 42s, Binding Rod, Skycutter, Witch's Hat, Gold Bangle 7*, Sanctum Gloves
    FF XIV : Evokers Horn, Ninja Chainmail
    FF T : Spellbinder 6*, Platinum Sword, Defender, Ice Rod, White Staff, Grand Armor 6*

    Notable Accessories: (Many were sent to the stash to conserve space, 5* ones as well)
    FF Core: Blaze Armlet, Bolt Armlet, Aurora Armlet, Shadow Armlet, Maelstrom Armlet, Arctic Armlet, Tornado Armlet
    FF I : None
    FF II : Gigas Armlet
    FF III : Skybreaker Earings
    FF IV : Gauntlets, Carnelian Signet, Flame Cloak, Black Mage Twin Stars
    FF V : Cursed Ring, Omega Badge, Necrophobe Ward, Cowl of Gilgamesh, Lennas Earings, Barts Circlet
    FF VI : Crystal Orb, Terra Pendant x2, Aria Bouquet, Memento Ring, Fateful Coin
    FF VII : Godos Mask, Cats Bell, Cerberus Relief, Heros Belt
    FF VIII: Squalls Necklace, Force Armlet, Veil of Adel x2
    FF IX : Coral Ring, Silver Pinion, Gulug Stone, Silver Pendant
    FF X : Adepts Bangle, New Beginnings Sphere, Final Aeon Pendant, Yunas Obi
    FF XI : Brutal Earring
    FF XII : Golden Amulter, Vosslers Gauntlet, Doctor Cids Glasses,
    FF XIII: Vanilles Necklace, Silver Pendant
    FF XIV : Inferno Bangle
    FF T : Aries, Grass Whistle
    Misc : Victory Pendant, Chaos Shard, Angel Brooch

    Tons of upgrade materials, upgrading will never be a problem

    Gysahl Exchange - 61751 Greens - All motes and mythrils have been purchased
    Stamina Shard 10000 = 2 unaquired
    Stamina Shard 100000= 5 unaquired

    Any Questions? Please ask! Let me know.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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