Just like the tittle says. I need to exchange my bitcoin. I have $200 in bitcoin for google wallet. Im not charging extra percentage for this. I will only trade with premium members with high rep and that is very activate with more than 500 posts. I will review and verify your playerup username with you to make sure you are not an imposter and to make sure there is no tricks. I will have you verify with me my quote to make sure you truly are who you say you are. I will not deal with imposters. I will look at the skypes closly for my saftey. You will pay first. For my saftey. I dont need bitcoin and I get it from my refund services. So, I hope i can find someone who can do this with me. Terms of service: - you will verify your playerup name with me with my quote. - You will go first, - Only premium members with high rep/posts I will accept http://hatscripts.com/addskype?justin.madox Skype; Justin.madox