Sold Selling Wts 3 eu bns accounts // sf - 628ap, bm - 584ap, wl - 553 ap

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rickehBNS, 9/25/16.

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  1. rickehBNS

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    Hello there, just before I go any further u will probably see I have a negative feedback on here so i'll go ahead and clear that up first. I bought a BM account from a user on here and ended up not wanting to play it as I didnt like BM that much so sold it to another guy on here. We did the whole transaction over skype, admittedly I forgot the PIN after he had paypal'd me (thought I knew it) so took a while for me to remember which I guess got this guy pissed. In the end I remembered it and he could login fine. So at the end of the convo I asked him whether everything was okay, he told me yes so I assumed it was a done deal. It seemed like a week later, I log into here and find hes left a negative comment on my profile and left messages on skype saying scammer! I asked multiple times why he was accusing me of this but got nothing so all in all i did nothing wrong.

    Anyways heres the pics for each account and how much gold they have;

    HM10 SF on Windrest with 400g -

    HM8 BM on Windrest -

    HM8 WL on Hao District -

    Open to offers on any account, each comes with their own email address so I believe none can be changed at the moment.

    The only trade ill do is for an assassin on Windrest, apart from that cash only please which will be via paypal and of course we can use a middleman if ur happy to cover the fees for that.

    Skype is rickehBNS or you can message me on here.

    #1 rickehBNS, 9/25/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/17/16
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