Selling Selling kyoc lvl 8 atc lvl 8 adbs adc~

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HenHeii, 9/24/16.

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  1. HenHeii

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    Hello, i'm wanting to sell an account and move to another.

    The account i'm selling is a KYOC
    Jianghu inners Inners:
    Poison Toad 72/72
    Ancient skills
    Ancient taichi-
    Opening taichi level 8
    Knockback lvl 3
    Plume lvl 3
    parrybreak lvl 3
    Parry lvl 3
    Ancient Dog Beating staff
    5hit charge lvl 8
    4 hit charge lvl 8
    Two pokes lvl 6
    knockup lvl 3
    parrybreak lvl 3
    rage lvl 3
    Ancient dragon claw
    Rage lvl 6
    Charge lvl 3
    Stun charge lvl 3
    2 Pokes lvl 3
    parrybreak lvl 3
    parry lvl 3
    (non ancient)

    Snow sword, full set lvl 3-5
    Rage at lvl 4
    jade C6 Quaterstaff blacksmith 20% ADBS 5hit charge+10% annote
    jadeC6 twin daggers, blacksmith 20% entangled dreams heavely net dance +10% annote
    jade c6 twinsword 20% 9palace rage.
    Jade c6 twin blades, Chef
    Jade c6 Sword 20% Snowsword rage blacksmith
    Jade C5 blade 20% Eradication 10% Rage
    Jade c6 staff, chef
    Jade c6 Dagger blacksmith, 20% divine wind

    3% CRIT 15% crit damage x2
    2%crit 13% damage x2
    3% Crit rate 14% crit damage 10% crit damage reduction
    2% crit, 10% crit damage 9% crit damage reduction
    3% crit rate12% crit damage
    2% crit rate 9% crit damage 14% crit reduction
    2% crit rate 14% crit damage
    Full Jade gear -C6
    Bracers Jade C6 +20% Ancient Taichi Opening +10% Annote

    ALL SCHOOL opened 180 except Wudang
    Nianluo reversal capped 144
    Waterpalace capped 144 (almost finished)

    Weap manual
    1000/1000 452 Quaterstaff
    200/700- 295 barehand
    Blade at 192 damage
    Twinsword at 192 damage
    Twin dagger at 192 damage
    Singlesword at 52 damage
    staff at 192 damage
    dagger at 52 192 damage

    x3 3star lores
    Fire Dragon staff quaterstaff lore
    Red serpent Devours soul . quaterstaff(2,000gold topup event)
    Playing dragon and pheonix Qin, sword
    2star lores:
    Lots... over 15

    OUTFIT Lores....
    Demon Wing Yam
    Wind God costume
    Love Affair
    Golden robe of blue moon
    Inexorable stealth ramient
    Jade Leisure.
    Ethereal Wave Vestment
    Red Finch Mink Fur
    Black and white undertaker
    Butterfly Love

    Horse Lore
    Flying Cloud horse lore

    Account has over 100G that will be given to you as a gesture of goodwill
    I don't know how much i will be selling it for as i am in no rush to sell.
    Add me @ Johnsonz123 skype for contact and negotiation. Just so u know i will require a deposit pay of 80%. However i can prove that both acc and email bound is mine if asked. Ty
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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