Selling Selling account DS lvl122, incl. SCP sk40

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nemetha85, 9/21/16.

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  1. nemetha85

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    Selling my SWFC DS account. Lvl122, name change available. Able to build all vehicles. 1300+ remotes. 41 million credits, holos for 6 LS or DS 5* awakenings.
    Prefer to sell whole account. Please e-mail me with your price and terms to [email protected]

    Notable cards:
    SCP sk40
    Maul MR sk50
    Kylo SB sk50
    Nines sk50
    Vader CC awakened sk50
    2x Vader CC awakened sk40
    2x old Sid sk40
    old Maul awakened
    2x old Aurra awakened
    old Boba awakened

    2x Sid Sd sk40
    Vader HMB sk40
    old Kylo Evo2 sk30

    Phasma base
    Jango AWP base
    Kylo SB base
    old Vader base
    old Jango base
    old Maul love you base
    Maul MR base

    C3PO GG base
    Mace AJB base
    AniPad base
    JJBGS base
    2x Yoda EoD base
    Chewy HoK base
    old Luke base
    Luke JK base
    old Ackbar base

    Not tradable cards:
    old Jango awakened
    old Maul base
    old Boba EvoMax
    old Boba Evo2
    Vader TDU base
    General Kalani

    4* & 3* notable:
    2x sk50 Phasma
    2x FOTFP awakened
    2x Mas Amedda sk40
    2x Bariss Offee Evomax
    Lott Dod sk50
    2x Aurra Sniper Evomax
    SCP EvoMax
    2x Boba awakened
    Blizzard crew (Aw Veers + 3xAw Atat pilots)
    DD13 Evomax
    2x TFP Evomax
    + lots of other 3 and 4 star cards.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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