Sold Selling Top account US26 1.3+mil might VIP 10 lvl 250+

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Musashi123, 9/21/16.

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  1. Musashi123

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    This account is 2nd rank in might on the server 1.38mil (can get to 1.4mil)
    Fox mage is the main charater VIP 10
    level 250+ all important lvl skills maxed.

    Account is :
    1st in military rank
    1st kpvp team
    2nd PVP ( account will make day 3 )

    Demi is current maxed out (lvl 100 tortoise)
    mount is t6 fireborn
    all equipment is q36 refine 10. Working on q40 gear(has q40 weapon and chest refine 8 and 5)
    Most exalts are lvl 5 or higher
    pets :
    evo 15 lvl 100 (below pets have all the S skills)
    green dragon
    Spirit Maiden
    5/6 of the main pets all have complete armor sets. (A coupl lvl 100+)
    A lot of pets are close to evo 15 lvl 100

    pm for more details and price. Will sell fast
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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