PS4 Account must have: -All 3 characters maxed -Most or All Y1/Y2 Exotics -Good PvP/PvE Weapons with God Rolls -High Grimoire Score -Moments of Triumph for Y1/Y2 Completed would be nice -Must be a US region account as I will be using this as my main account -Must have a high trophy level around 10-15 or higher -If it's got other PSN games purchased on the account it would be nice XB1 Account must have: -All 3 characters maxed -Most or All Y1/Y2 Exotics -Good PvP/PvE Weapons with God Rolls -High Grimoire Score -Moments of Triumph for Y1/Y2 Completed would be nice Contact info- Email:[email protected] Skype:i_play_destiny I've got money on PayPal ready to go so if you've got what I'm asking for or something roughly similar to what I'm looking for then please let me know as I would like to play ROI when it drops