Hi Im selling my account in global server. Keys: 1,5k Gold: 1.3mil Rubies: 1.5k Topaz: 694 All masteries Formation: defensive and balaced max. Arena Rank every week: master 7k and 4l heroes: Ace lvl 38 2x spped weapon/2x awakened hp armor Eillene lvl 38 2x speed/ 1x awakened block rate, 1x hp armor Dellons lvl 38 2x speed/ 2x hp armor Wukong lvl 36 2x speed/ 1x awakened hp, 1x block rate Teo lvl 34 1 awakened speed 1 speed/ 2x counter armor Lubu lvl 30 2x crit rate/ 2x counter Rachel lvl 30 2x crit/ 2x hp Jave lvl 30 2x crit/ counter armor Rudy lvl 30 Spike 5stars +5 and 4stars Rachel 4stars Normal heroes: Giparang lvl 40 YUshin lvl 40 Fengyan lvl 40 Lina lvl 40 Alice lvl 40 Shane lvl 40 Bidam lvl 36 MIngming lvl 36 Ruri lvl 36 Sieg lvl 34 Xioa lvl 34 Aragon lvl 30 Nia lvl 32 Espada lvl 32 6 stars heroes: giparang-Guanyu-Rei-Daisy-Yuri-Rook-Karin-Evan-Yui-Victoria-Daqiao-Chancellor-Karon 5 stars heroes: Xia 2x-Jin-Sieg 2x-Nia-May-Karin-Karon-Shane Special heroes: Finas 10x Leah 2x Elements: 5s wáter 1x 4s fire 5x 4 wáter 15x 4s light 7x 4s earth 6x 4s dark 3x You can send me a private message if you have a question or an offer. Thanks and have a nice day.