Selling  Android and iOS  Level 14+  100+ Max Cards  17+ Legendary Cards  7000+ Trophies Rare Account. Lvl 57. King Tower 14. Max

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Dani El, 8/12/23.

  1. Dani El

    Dani El
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    -King tower 14
    -Account level 57
    -224 emotes. Many exclusive ones.
    -48 tower skins
    -Nearly every banner since they started
    -every card is level 14
    -6 elite cards
    -maxed evolution cards
    -1,600,000 star points
    -3,800,000 gold
    -3600 gems
    -9000 trophies
    -Legacy ranking
    -2000 trophy pb on path of legends.

    This is my personal account. I’ve played since the game came out. Have a 7 year badge. Married and just bought a house. Don’t have time to play anymore.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.