Hello, I'm selling my magic rush account on merger 60. It is VIP 14 and has 4 legendary heros. Arena rank is usually 20-30 and hero brawl rank is around 50. Legendary heros are smoke 5 star, saizo 4+ star, theresa and monk son 3+ star. 6 awakened heros. Tons of heros to choose from. Some at +3, +2. Lots of runes in inventory. Academy is lvl 81 and priest is 15 w 3 dot prayers. Almost 16 and guru prayer. This merger is just hitting 90, so the account is pretty strong. There are only a handful of players who have paid tons who you have to watch out for. Account currently has around 4k diamonds. But I will continue to play it until sold so that may go down to 0. I'll post a link to pictures shortly