Selling Heroes Charge ID - Lvl 104 VIP 15

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by aidono, 9/10/16.

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  1. aidono

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    Here are the details of the ID I am selling: -

    Server: 42-44 (will disclose when more firm details received)
    Level: 104 (145k to level 105)
    VIP status: VIP 15
    All heroes power: 1.150 million above
    Heroes stars: 480 stars above

    All 99 units available
    28 units x Red2 heroes (104 heroes all full equipped but 2)
    11 units x Red1 heroes (all full equipped)
    3 units x Red heroes (all full equipped)
    The rest 57 units Orange2 heroes (all full equipped)

    War Hall buildings: The important buildings are at level 5

    The most important question - how much?
    Asking price: USD 1100 (since asking 20% out of USD 5,500 and effort on the game, # and will entertain serious buyer only)

    Just PM shall you required further details. Thanks.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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