Sold Sylver acc lvl 150, leader of Silver Phoenix guild

Discussion in 'Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sylver, 9/9/16.

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  1. Sylver

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    hi everyone, i'm looking into selling my baby :/, lvl150 many piesces aqua etc, arcane max glorry is saggit so far many 160-180 aids pretty well skilled can cross 4k cups and 3.9k even just before reset (250-300 ll rank). rank 2 on continent 18 easily.
    Asking price would be 1.5k $ slightly negociable.
    If interested i can also be found on Facebook.: Silvester antoniu varga
    Thank you Syl.jpg
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  2. OP

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    197 sk 20 pan piesces with 9wizz from talents
    196 sk 20 ch piesces 9/10 bf+ 5/5 bdw, lvl49 enchant
    195 sk 20 abby capri 5/5 bf,bw,bdw, lvl57 enchant
    192 sk 21 skull piesces 6wizz+8/8 moral boost, lvl 66 enchant
    191 sk 20 sage piesces 2x4/5cc + 4/5bf, lvl 42 enchant
    190 sk 16 hydra scorpio
    190 sk 20 renee piesces
    190 sk 20 ambro piesces 2x5/5 bdw + 3wizz, lvl 46 enchant
    185 sk 20 dark leo
    182 sk 20 sapp saggit 2x5/5 bw+5/5 bf
    180/185 sk 20 encha piesces lvl 22 enchant :p
    175 sk 20 land aqua 4/5dodge 5/5cc lvl50 enchant he is projet atm as i got like 100 talent beads
    166/195 sk 20 arcane saggit
    165 sk 20 panda aqua 5/5 cc,bf,bw lvl20 enchant :/
    165 sk 20 toxic libra also current project
    160/170 sk 20 demonslayer libra made for boss only/br aid
    150 sk 20 zerk virgo also made to be aid so far
    also other aids like (180+3x160pans sk14-15) 180 skull(15), savage(16), hydra(15), block(20), arctic cancer(16), carol(13)
    For ll i run with a fairly decent wizz team that made 78% on fongs base last time we met :D with encha block and zerk on skull to use opp divines and for gc i oftenly usee abby with same aids and go without pan for healing after 2 skull divines
    So these would be heroes i have overall.....i do have rath and bull plus 1400shards for each, 1800fame in coly, blazeros boss in ed is passed and for weapons i got 164 gold blade, 160 gold heart, 140+3bow, 134 +2axe, 131 +2arc tome, 120 +1blade 120 +1hammer.....not many but believing that gc machup is made according to players strenght :) i kept low on weapons for better matchups but having them on high heroes and high skilled aids are more than enough...if you know a thing or two about the game you will know 10gold weapons are nothing if the shell is empty
    2.7mil souls with maxed wizz and maxed shields for current level of buildings
    420 mugs waiting for blessing
    90 talent beads also waiting for blessing
    about 300mil stashed in items
    3pirit cristals in case you wanna reset enchants

    ty for you time if you read all this ;)
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