Selling   PC  Level 300+  High End  Original Owner (Yes) LVL 325 5X CHAMPION 12X DIAMOND GO4 GOLD & SILVER JAGER INVI VIP & ALL PL SKINS 2018-2019

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by KenzoErto, 8/9/23.

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  1. KenzoErto

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    My Location:
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    MY DISCORD : reykon1994

    Season Champion: Ember Rise, Shifting Tides, Vector Glare, Commanding Force
    Season Diamond: Health - Phantom Sight (incl.) , Steel Wave, Crimson Heist, Solar Raid, Dread Factor
    ️ There are all gold pro leagues from Blackbeard to Nokk in attack and from Caveira to Warden in defense.
    Charm for 1st place on Go4, charm for 2nd place on Go4, charm for attending Invitaional 2019, Invitational VIP set for yager + charm.
    Team Sets:
    Sledge: FaZe, G2 (full)
    Thatcher: Fnatic (full)
    Ash: EG, Empire
    Thermite: INTZ
    Twitch: INTZ, Penta (full)
    Glaz: NiP
    Buck: Rogue (full), Mibr (full)
    Hibana: FaZe Nora Rengo
    Jackal: Nora Rengo
    Zofia: Liquid
    Nomad: Fnatic
    Smoke: Liquid (full), G2, BDS, W7M
    Pulse: EG (full)
    Doc: Navi (full)
    Jager: Rogue (full), Cloud9
    Bandit: Empire
    Valkyrie: Cloud9 (full), Penta
    Caveira: FaZe
    Echo: Fnatic, SSG (full)
    Mira: Immortals
    Lesion: Penta (full)
    Vigil: Mousesports (full), Liquid
    Maestro: SSG
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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