Hello, Selling a decent mcoc account. 208k pi, 4000 prestige, strong aq/aw offense and defense teams. It includes expensive masteries such as Mystic Dispersion level 5 (costs 4650 units!), willpower, and despair. A lot of t4cs saved up for additional rank ups or for possible 5* champions. With the extra ccats, possible to take the account's prestige to 4100-4200 with 4* rank ups and 4300+ with 2 more skill ccats ranking r3 5* bp to r4. ROL, Coulson, Ming quests finished. Gaming Email included. Add me on line for any question and offers: elmer031 or PM me here. ONLY reasonable offers. No trades. PAYPAL only. Thanks. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1473364294/rkzdhbgfswaypbhhx7df.jpg