Selling Lvl22 base 456m power Lvl 55 co with legendary...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nathaniel Maddison, 9/8/16.

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  1. Nathaniel Maddison

    Nathaniel Maddison
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    Lvl22 base 456m power Lvl 55 co with legendary gear for everything including research boost and training boosts. Lvl9 on the top prestige. 17.5m troops which is 330m troop power. Set as a rally trap. All t4 unlocked and very close to advance t4 Sols state which has a very good svs record. Hyper farming oil and stone. Thousands of days of speed ups spare. Top vault level unlocked along with elite club and the new shooting gallery. Comes with 3 average farms. Currently has a fresh 30 day shield active and is in the top alliance of state. Anymore questions please ask. Looking for £600 Ono very good deal for a rally trap.
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    Nathaniel Maddison

    Nathaniel Maddison
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