Selling main jp acct cheap

Discussion in 'Bleach Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GreyFoxX, 9/7/16.

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  1. GreyFoxX

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    Pretty much end game, only doing login currently. Acct going really cheap, I just 6* og Aizen and other 6* is Shinsui at 128, haven't had time to raid Yamamoto. 5* are og Yamamoto, red and green kampachi', white ichigo, orihime, unahana, grimmjow, young yuroichi, tessai, isshin, izuru, renji, free renji and kon, the frenzy guys of course, kaname, og ichigo, hyori, Halloween rangiku, kaien, starkk, fh ichigo. The useful ones are maxed, lots of jewels, just about every 4* and some 3* to use for farming orbs. Few chapters left to farm orbs, sorry there. I haven't really had luck with accessories, but have quite a bit left for fusing, so again acct going really cheap. Acct has lots of quest tickets, arena tickets and trash for ascending. Trying for $25, posted earlier but couldn't get photos to upload so made more specific post. WU or Money Gram.
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