Archer has both Emblemach Gems. 6500gs. Regular Dual Swords. Oracular Bow. Lava Cohesive Knife. 4/6 t4 archer Pve & 2/6 t4 sin Pve. Rank 3 Riding Permit. 37 Lava Cores. 600 craft. Mili Monk has 1st Legendary Gem. For the mew Monkey Trial Gem, he needs srl matrix. Close to second Legend gem. Has everything needed for Mili Emblemach gem, including badge - Just needs ancient ores. Mili is 5.5k gs , Enlightened scanner wep. Lava Halberd & Lvl 7 Gem in Bag (unequipped). Has his 15 jade dailies done, rdy for Oracular wep - Needs orac mats x3 . 600 craft. First Lava Wep Obtained, and has 16 more lava cores. Last Screenshot shows the Pets this account has