Level 38 96k+ rating 1 mastery point available 1600+ units 64k+ loyalty chips 4k+ battle chips 123k gold 4* 2 4/40's Colossus (D), Dr. Strange 7 3/30's Venompool (D), SpiderGwen (D), Starlord (D) Hulk (D), Storm, Juggernaut, Winter Soldier. 7 2/20's Luke Cage (D), Iron Patriot (D), Captain America, Ultron, Electro, Thor, Hawkeye 9 1/10's Old Man Logan, Joe Fixit, Drax, Spider Man, Captain Marvel Cyclops, Superior Iron Man, Black Bolt, Vision 60 3*'s, 5 Not duped, 5 Max and duped. Many 2*'s, most maxed Many Catalyst including 3 T1 Alphas, 5 T3 basic, 2 T4 basicand 1 T4 cosmic Many items including: potions, revives, duel credits, boosts, mastery point recovery, cores. 18 crystals to open including 5 premiums and 1 3*. Plenty of shards as well. Make me an offer. No low ball bids.