Selling [Selling] Eu pc 617gs(280/337)+7bil+t9+6outfits

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Abdullahayman, 8/7/23.

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  1. Abdullahayman

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    EU account has many characters... can create any class lvl61 with one click (have 2EXP exchange coupon)

    (maegu+hash) lvl 61
    warrior lvl 60
    musa lvl 58

    -pen quest ring 44/110 (17days left) from 2/8/2023

    - bets tiers (5-4-3-3-3-2-1)

    -value backs (15 + 2x7 + 3x3 + 20k loyalty)

    -6 outfits ( 3 used +3 boxes)

    -fail stacks: (228 -143- 3x100)
    -horses: (24/24 pegasus+ T8 )

    -Magnus + LOML quest line finished

    for any talk or more details


    Price:199$ bitcoin-binance gift card
    or 249$ on g/2g : Buy EU PC 617GS(280/337)+7BIL+T9+6OUTFITS from Koiero | | Buy safe and securely at

    2 EXP exchange coupon (so you can create any class at level 61 with one click)

    (3sets of weapons exchange coupons are available so u can reroll to any class freely )
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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