Sold [Offer] JP endgame account 27 SSRs 63 SRs (Merlin, Sodom's Beast, Kali, Proto Merlin,...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Nitro912, 8/4/23.

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  1. /u/Nitro912

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    FGO JP account I mainly had for rolling.

    Looking for at least $80 for account but willing to negotiate. Imgur link:

    BDay can still be set FC: 512,215,186 70 Rare Prisms CEs of note include two KScopes and an MLB Black Grail

    SSRs on it include:

    Lancer Ryoma(NP5)

    Ibuki Douji(NP2)



    Avenger Nobunaga(NP3)


    Charlemagne, Space Ishtar, Rider Da Vinci, Tonelico, Sodom's Beast, Durga/Kali, Ozymandias, Scathach, Skadi, Takasugi, Shuten, Waver, Li Shuwen, Caren, Bazett, Proto Merlin, Nitocris Alter, Nemo, Merlin, Vritra and Arcueid are NP1

    Multiple Main Interludes not started, Nahui Mictlan main story played up to ORT raid. Seraph and Tunguska have been completed in terms of Main Interludes, Tokugawa Labrinth and Imaginary Scramble both untouched. Avalon le Fae, Heian Kyo and Traum free quests SQ still open.

    Here is also my reference:

    # #/Nitro912
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