Hello,thanks for clicking on this post. I am a long time player but have spent too much money on this game and simply can not maintain spending at the rate I am. Here are the armors! SF- Sylvannus Stonemail-Lv99-Asc9/10 Meditor Montem-Lv1-Asc0/10 DF+ Calvisius Harmonia+ W/set-Lv80 Warden's Heatmail+ -Lv100 Heroic Petalguard+ -Lv71 DF Reg- Jadewing Platemail-Lv100 Spectral Vanguard W/set-Lv100 Arcane Invocation W/set-Lv70 Siege Artillary-Lv85 Soulbound Scalemail W/set-Lv89 Astral Array-Lv56 Ancient Frondmail-Lv56 2xCalvisius Harmonia-Lv5 Vaporous Scalemail-Lv19 Bushido Battlegear-lv1 Forsaken Firesheath-Lv2 2xAsguardian Wargear-Lv7 If you like what you see make sure you contact me [email protected] Line-Ronaldo-_-07 I DO NOT GO FIRST AS THERE ARE TOO MANY SCAMMERS AND NOT WORTH THE RISK! PRICE IS NOT SET BUT # SO WE'LL TALK ABOUT IT