Selling  North America  High End  Android and iOS [Scathach Enthusiast] NA 144 w/ 35 SSR (NP5 Scathach + Full Supports)

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Noriega, 8/4/23.

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  1. Noriega

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    Hello! I am offering my main Fate/GO level 144 account I've owned since 2018 for an estimated base offer of $300 after viewing other threads. I no longer will have time to continue games for that matter anytime soon due to me starting a Computer Science PhD at Cornell University in 3 weeks. So, it is clear that I must sell this account quickly.

    I'm offering 35 total SSR servants including an NP5 Scathach and 6 other SSRs with NP2. Scathach is leveled to full 120, which means 15 holy grails were used for only her. My remaining grail count is very low at 4, which I believe decreases value of this account (I happened to make an awful mistake by leaving a level 100 Salieri unlocked and accidentally throwing him into another servant, so 9 grails wasted!). Other than the 7 SSR servants with increased NP levels, I own very strong DPS servants (Kama, Musashi, Ishtar, etc), main support coverage (OG Tamamo + Vitch, Waver, Castoria, Merlin, Skadi), and even obscure supports (Van Gogh, Osakabehime).

    This concludes my main Fate/GO account sale thread. I am continuing to play on this account right now for login streaks and persistence on the Nero Fest Rerun event. I will provide an Imgur album for reference and for hopefully curing any doubts. All transactions must be done through DMs first, so I will also provide my discord (sadly an alt because main is deleted) for contact info. I am free to provide more images, answer any questions about the account, or negotiate pricing. I have years of experience selling game items but haven't ever sold an account. Not only that, it is common sense that I won't go first (not a single transaction in real life exists where you get an item BEFORE paying!). I also am willing to use a PlayerUp middleman, but you must cover the fee. Happy shopping! =)

    Discord: Fatal#0816
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