Selling Selling Rocket League Ranked Boost

Discussion in 'Rocket League Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Lindi, 8/25/16.

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  1. Lindi

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    Hello there,

    Welcome to Lindis New Rocket League Service

    We are a few Top Players and can reach any Rank you like to get!

    We can play on youre Account or you can play with us. Accplay is cheaper!

    Prices For 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3

    Prostect 1 to Prospect 2 For Free
    Prospect 2 to Prospect 3 : 5$
    Prospect 3 to Prospect Elite : 5$
    Prospect Elite to Challenger 1 : 5$
    Challenger 1 to Challenger 2 : 5$
    Challenger 2 to Challenger 3 : 5$
    Challenger 3 to Challenger Elite : 7$
    Challenger Elite to Rising Star : 10$
    Higer for each rank till Champions : 15$
    Champions to SuperChampions : 45$
    SuperChampions to GrandChampions : 80$

    Placement Matches:

    1 Game: 5$

    If you have any questions just contact me on Skype!

    Skype: DarkmasterCH

    Have a good Time ;)
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