Selling an account that currently has 4 plus DFA: Molten Robes+ (Fire/Fire)- With fire Soulforge Ring Mystic Kitsune+ (water/water)- With set maxed flight of firenze( Fire/ Air)- With set maxed Templars (Fire) Along with many other DfA, a few to mention: Spectral Vanguard - With maxed set Hyaline sleetrobes - With maxed set Siege artillary - With maxed set As a commmander the main three + Dfa reach over 6k, the jewelry is ranging from SF to legendary, the SF ring is maxed ascension, and has a stun ability embedded. Maxed castle, 4 DRAGON COINS - This means youre 40% of the way to getting the SF from the coins seasons event. These arent easily attained in war/raid or chests. Also 4-5 SF craftables are more than half way there, meaning this account is prepped for you to go ham on and make a beast out of it. The reason Im putting the conclusion at the end, is after 3 years of buying and selling its that, people wont read everything unless they are very interested in buying. So, if you've come this far, and are willing to pay the price of $115 - # paid through **PAYPAL ONLY - YOU ARE FIRST TO SEND MONEY** then you may contact me on line: itsfelix Thank you, if you have taken the time to read this, hope to hear from you soon