Selling level 120 mage. It has: 7 Exp. Keys. 316k Proficiency. 97k matk with Nyx's Blessing and 98k w/o. 226k Highest Gear Score. Almost everything +198'd. Still has 6 remaining cost to increase gear score. Many orbs collected. Reflect gears. All rings unlocked. Archer set: 67/64k. Cleric set: 71k mdef. Much room for improvement. Monsters include: Dark Joan, Joan, Gaia, Varma, Xiao, Sakura, Andromeda, Arthur, Anubis, KFC, Light Valk, Santa Flora, Dark Valk, Red Valk, Indra, Fiine, Aizen, Wind Valk, Nezha, Shina, Lilith, Jack, Nemain. Also Zeph, Thanatos, Yukino, Succubus, Avsaris, Benkei, Marduk, Ama, Nyx, Alice, Argo, Jabberwock, Flora, Nidhogg, Vol & Rena, Lumi, Peliasa and Nerusa, Dies, Apollo, Heca, and Alraus. PM me for more info. Game ID: 2057755546. Line ID: jeszuz.