Warframe mr 13 account, for 60$ time played 600hrs Credits = 3M+ Inventory : 23 warframes 26 slot 64 weapon 64 slot Frame : Ash Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Ember Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Loki Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Mag Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Rhino Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Nova Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Saryn Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Nyx Prime (18) Trinity (30) (orokin reactor) Rhino (30) (orokin reactor) Frost (30) (orokin reactor) Vauban (30) (orokin reactor) Ivara (30) (orokin reactor) Banshee (30) (orokin reactor) Chroma (28) Hydroid (30) (orokin reactor) Mirage (28) (orokin reactor) Nekros (30) (orokin reactor) Wukong (8) Limbo (0) Nezha (0) Nyx (30) (orokin reactor) Volt (30) (orokin reactor) Sentinel : Carrier Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Wyrm Prime (30) Carrier (30) (orokin reactor) Sweeper Prime (30) (orokin reactor) Prime Laser Rifle (30) (orokin reactor) Sweeper (30) Weapon : -Too much hassle to list it... Just look at ss. All good weapon in my inventory is catalysed and formaed. Landing Craft : Liset Xiphos Miscellaneous : 5 forma unused 50 blueprint unused 5 orokin reactor unused 6 orokin catalyst unused If you have any question email me at [email protected] or comment at this thread ot you can PM me.
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