Server: Merger 65 (new merged server) VIP: 13+ Level: 88 (will be 89 very soon) Kingdom: Level 74 Priest: almost 14. (already have Blaine with 3 dots) Equipments: normal Talents: 50 unlocked - already have 2 captain skills (blaine and robin) Crystal Dungeon: 124 Heroes: Legends: Lilith, Theresa, Robin (all 4 stars); Edwin (3+ stars); in progress to buy a Monk Son Breakout: Blaine (max) Jacob, Gerber (silver); Awaken: Crabbie - Uther - Aurai - Pandarus Many orange+ heroes, 5 stars heroes. Diamond fortnight 77 days left. Bunch of stuffs too... Can manage to get in top 20 in Arena (new merger is nuts) Reason of selling: I got fed up with this game, don't have enough time to play. Expecting price: $500??? (25% of what I invested, but that's #, of course) PM me, or send me message via line/whatsapp: +84915171775 ; Thank you