I'm selling my account. Easily makes 4300 every week in arena. Raid team does 400kish per run on 99 drag Special heroes 38 wu 38 ace 30 lubu 38 Eileene 34 Rachel + extra 4* 32 rudy 32 Dellons 30 Spike 4* jave 7k select in 6 days 40 heroes all gold: Gipa Bidam Black rose Yushin Nezha Guan Yu Ming ming Sieg Velika Daisy Nia Ruri Lina Shane Extras 32 tsubaki Extra 6s Lee jung 2 rice cakes Xiao Daisy Blackrose Karon Ariel Evan Lania On top of this I have 4 finas. My equipment is very good, solid jewels also. First raid team is maxed with 1 more transcend to eileene Pm me offers or msg me offers on Line: iamrag