PRICE IS # Keys=52 Gold=1,274,636 Rubies=1,722 Topaz=37 (Most values are subject to change, just msg me for updated numbers) Heroes at 6 star= Lina 40 Black Rose 40 Shane 40 Nia 40 Velika 40 Ming Ming 38 Sieg 38 Lee Jung 36 Ace 36 May 36 Yushin 36 Evan 34 Eileene 34 Jave 34 Giparang 32 Rudy 32 Jupy 32(can 34) Daisy 32 Guan Yu 32 Lubu 30 Espada 30 Ruri 30 Spike 30 Rachel 30 Dellonse 30 Kris 30 Li 30 Knox 30 Karin 30 Other heroes= 4s Wukong 4s Wukong 4s Spike 4s Dellons 4s Kris 6 fodder 5 star units 23 fodder 4 star units 15 fodder 3 star units 4 Fina 8 4 star elements 10 3 star elements Several 2 star elements Final points= Max masteries(lvl 110) Level 40 defensive formation, and level 34 balanced formation Many assorted items, jewels, and accessories Level 112 on CT 1 permanent 6 star selector from quests PLEASE PM IF YOU NEED OTHER INFORMATION Again, price is 100% #