Sold No FeaR on S:637 has some openings

Discussion in 'Puzzles & Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/polyteknix, 7/29/23.

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  1. /u/polyteknix

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    No FeaR is a top of server Alliance (currently #2) On S:637.

    We are looking for a few more active players in the T9/T10 range who want to join us for events, friendship, and an incredible amount of innuendo

    We run events typically between 5 and 3 hours before server reset.

    We are a mix of European and American players primarily, and S637 reflects that mix overall with some outliers.

    The server has attracted many new players and even some transfer Alliances lately, with our mix of available resources, and the relative power levels haven't crept up to insane levels.

    We tend to be a bit of a wild, but controlled, bunch.

    We also have a sister alliance (No Farm) that serves as a base for alts and as an Academy to teach and help newer/more casual players. It is a perfect place for someone in the 1m to 100m might range to grow up safe and secure.

    Drop me a line if this sounds your speed.

    # #/polyteknix
    . .
    #1 /u/polyteknix, 7/29/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/2/23
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