Selling Selling OO FOR SALE (RUSH): Level 97 - 807k MIGHT (EU SERVER)

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by james03, 8/21/16.

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  1. james03

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    !!!Selling my account for $100 only!!! (FIX PRICE)

    - Level 97 TreasureHunter (ORIGINAL CLASS)
    - VIP 2
    - From EU-S4 server (OSxAkapac's server)
    - Guild is occupying purple relic (150 dias / day)
    - Level 75 Vermillion Bird Demigod
    - All items are fortified to level 194
    - HP - 2.4M
    - DMG - 131k
    - Blue Faerie Guardian Talisman Level 10 (Need atleast 20 purple talisman upgrades to make it purple)
    - Tier 4 Mount (Fireborn)
    - All Runes are upgraded to current max level
    - Currently have 7k diamonds

    For more details about the account, please email me here: [email protected]
    Also, interested buyers please do email me as well.

    !!!Selling my account for $100 only!!! (FIX PRICE)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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