Selling ID Seven Knight (Come and see, price can nego)

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Raz0rX, 8/21/16.

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  1. Raz0rX

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    1. Account I (Asia Server) LVL 61
    Mastery: 110/110 (Maxed)
    Formation: Balanced 40/40, Defensive 40/40 (Maxed)
    Gold: 17,700,000 ++
    Ruby: 4707
    Topaz: 249
    Key: 193
    CR points: 565
    Chloe's gift : Currently at Rank A

    Item slot: 75
    Heroes Slot: 189
    Fina : 3
    Leah: 2
    1 x 6* selector in quest
    Able to get 1 mil+ in all Normal CR run.

    Seven Knights: lvl 36 Dellon +5 (5* Dellon x 1) (Gold frame) (Costume)
    lvl 32 Ellen +5 (4* Ellen x 1) (Gold frame)(Costume)
    lvl 30 Rachel +5 (Costume)
    lvl 30 Spike +5 (Silver frame) (Costume)
    4* Kris x 3 (Costume)
    4* Jave x 1 (Costume)

    Four Lord : lvl 38 Lubu +5 (Gold frame)

    lvl 36 Ace +5 (Gold frame)
    lvl 30 Wukong +5 (Silver frame)

    Others : lvl 40 Yu Shin +5 (Gold frame)
    lvl 40 Daisy +5 (Silver frame)
    lvl 40 Lina +5
    lvl 40 Ming Ming +5 (Gold frame) (Costume)
    lvl 40 Shane +5 (Gold frame) (Fully equipped) (Costume)
    lvl 38 Guan Yu +5
    lvl 38 Black Rose +5 (Gold frame) (Costume)
    lvl 36 Nia +5 (4* Nia x 1)
    lvl 36 Giparang +5 (Gold frame)
    lvl 34 Karin +5
    lvl 34 Yui
    lvl 32 May +5 (Costume)
    lvl 32 Velika +5
    lvl 34 Espada (Costume)
    lvl 32 Jupy
    lvl 34 Lee Jung (4* Lee Jung x 1)
    lvl 32 Lania
    lvl 34 Soi +5

    and many others example ( rice cakes, power up crystal, a bunch of elements)

    For more details about Screenshot, message me via PM or Messenger

    Line ID (razorx88) or leave a reply below if interested.Thank You
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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