- 8.7M GP - 139M credits - 79M ship credits - 27k crystals - Inquisitorius r5 and ready for GI event comeback - For Jabba only missing 7* are Skiff Guard and Boushh (Leia) - GL JML r7 - GL REY r7 - GL SEE r7 - GL SLKR r7 - GL JMK r7 - Starkiller r7 - 2 Omicrons - Kam r7 - Cat r7 - Malgus r7 - 1 Omicron - Ben Solo r6 - 1 Omicron - MAUL r7 - CAT r7 - KAM r7 - EXECUTOR 7* - PROFUNDITY 7* - TIE/IN 7* - Outrider 7* - TIE Etchelon 7* - MG-100 7* - Raven's Claw 6* - 155 G13 - 6* mods - 389 - 104 Mods +20 Speed - 29 Mods +25 Speed - 12 Omicrons - 22/20 Omicrons so you can apply another one Account also has great datacrons: - Dash - extra turn - LV - CD reduction - Vader lvl 9 - still needs reroll to CD reduction - New set has 2 pieces for Bounty Hunters on lvl 6 There is also quite good stash of carbantis and kyrotechs. Price can be negotiated and please feel free to send your offers. For more information contact me here or on my discord Discord: Macartosf#3441 Email: [email protected]