Sold [Offer] FT: NA Midgame Koyan+Morgan+Caren+LArtoria LF: Offers

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/I_sh0uld_g0, 7/25/23.

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  1. /u/I_sh0uld_g0

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    Lvl 113 Midgame account

    Lancer Artoria (Chosen SSR from anniversary),Morgan,Caren(Amor),Koyanskaya of Light. Notable SR include NP5 Barghest and NP3 Baobhan Sith.

    Notable CEs: Summer Anniversary,2x Grand Marshal of Magic, Witchcraft, The Black Grail, Heaven's Feel, Limited/Zero Over, Imaginary Around, Heaven's Feel, Another Ending

    Arc 1 cleared completely (Story+FQ), Arc 1.5 Main Story Cleared for all chapters except Shimosa,no FQ clears.

    BDay not set.

    140 SQ + 10 tickets



    Looking For trade offers, preferably Melusine/Scathach

    # #/I_sh0uld_g0
    # .
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