Selling my 7k account. 129 Hero slots // 70 Item slots // Maxed Balanced, Offensive, Defensive formations. 7m+ Gold 2816 Rubies 390 Topaz Ace Board Masteries to lvl 90 are maxed. 1m normal CR runs. Reach 4300 Arena weekly easily. 6* Hero Selector no expiration date in quests. Two Finas // One Leah Did not buy May package or Prosperity package. 7K/4L 38 Eileene (Gold) Crit/Crit/HP/HP-20%Dmg/22%CRate/30%CDmg-LS ACC 34 Dellons (Gold) SPD/SPD/HP/HP No jewels 34 Jave (Gold) Crit/Crit/HP/HP-30%CDmg/20%Count/15%Dmg 32 Ace (Gold) SPD/SPD/HP/HP-20%Dmg/30%LS/20%BRate-HP ACC (Ace Board)+Extra 5*Ace 32 LuBu (Gold) SPD/SPD/Count/Count No Jewels 30 Rachel (Gold) 30 Rudy (Silver) 30 Kris (No border) 4* Wu Kong 6 Stars 40 YuShin Both 27%Speed/HP/Block-15%CrtRate/20%Lethal/20%CDMG-Lethal ACC 40 Guan Yu (Gold) 40 Daisy (Gold) Spd/Spd/Hp/Block 40 Lina (Gold) Lethal/Letha/Hp/Block 3%Lethal/30%LS/15%BRate 40 Alice (Silver) Spd/Hp/Block 40 Black Rose (Gold) Spd/Spd/Counter/Counter-25%CDmg/12%CRate/20%Dmg-4*Paralyze ACC 40 Sieg (Gold) Crit/Crit/Block/HP-30%LSteal/25%CDmg/20%Dmg 40 Ming Ming(Gold) Spd/Spd/HP/Counter-20%Counter/25%CDmg/20%Lethal 40 Shane (Gold) Lethal/Lethal/Counter/Counter-30%LSteal/20%Dmg/30%CDmg-5%DmgACC 40 Velika (Gold) Lethal/SPD/HP/HP 38 Giparang (Gold) SPD/SPD/Counter/Counter-25%CDmg/20%Dmg/20%Lethal-5*Paralyze ACC 34 Nia 32 Xiao (Silver) 30 Nehza (Silver) 2x27 Speed 30 Jupy (Silver) 30 Bidam 30 Karin 30 Victoria 30 May 30 Yui 30 Li 4 x Random 6*unlockers 5 Stars 2 x 30 Xiaos 2 x 30 Espadas 30 Bella 30 Lania 30 Karon 4 Stars 4 x Xiaos 2 x Nehzas Looking for 125$ PP'd OBO. Way less than the money invested. Have sold an account on here before in a different directory. You can PM me on here.