335 titan and hunter with lvl 3 warlock that can be instant 335 if put to lvl 40 almost all exotics, need about 10 exotics weapons to have all, Has all hunter exotic armors except 1 helmet, has all titan exotic armors except a couple helmets, Sub classes on hunter all maxed but the last 2 on golden gun, titan almost all subs maxed, account comes with gta 5, destiny and taken king, minecraft, 2k16 and some others, Account has been flawless multiple times, has tons of shaders, and much more Has godroll shotguns, snipers, auto rifles, grasp of malok, nirwin mercy and bunch more others hit me up Skype- Superkillersj Skype- Superkillersj Skype- Superkillersj
Would you consider trade for a stacked xbone account or a Pokemon go account or how much money are you looks for?