Sold High End Account ~ Leg3 (33) 26k+ Plat 845m cred 1m+ kuva 4k+ SE

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rizzapeach, 7/20/23.

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  1. Rizzapeach

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    PRICE : $275


    All warframes , some have doubles. Almost all have build for multiple strategy

    All pets/sentinels/companions etc is there.

    All mods collected except Conclave (pvp) mods. (Nobody plays pvp in this game) 118k+912kfrom cards endo

    All focus schools open (as it should be)

    All tenet/kuva weapons maxed (this is veteran account you get what you pay for)

    All tenet/kuva ephemeras

    All intrinsics maxed (duviri and railjack)

    Allmost all arcanes maxed with ATLEAST extra maxed ones (except newest ones aka duviri)

    Maxed railjack with multiple elite crewman (to my liking sadly)

    Maxed helminth , with all warframes subsumed.

    All incarnons except (
    ack brunt
    zylok) Up to date 16.07.23

    Not all prime items. (some because thats the section that matters) 148 aya is there so you can have fun with prime resurgence to your liking.


    Weapons: Made in text so it takes less space.(If its out of alphabetical order it have custom name in game)

    Acceltra, Aegrit, Aeolak, Afentis, AfurisPrime, Akarius, AkjagaraPrime, AksomatiPrime, Alternox, Ambassador, Amprex, Ripkas, Arcascisco, ArumSpinosa, VenkaPrime, AstillaPrime, Athodai, Atterax, Azothane, Basmu, Battacor, BazaPrime, BoPrime, BoarPrime BoltorPrime, BroncoPrime, Bubonico, BurstonPrime, Cadus, CarminePenta, Catabolyst, Cedo, CeramicDagger, Cerata, CetiLacera, Cinta, CobraCrane, CobraCranePrime, Convectrix, Corinth, Corufell, Cyanex, Daikyu, DakraPrime, Despair, DestrazaPrime, Dexdakra, DexFuris, DexSybaris, Dread, DualIchor, DualKeresPrime, DualToxocyst, Edun, Embolist, FuraxWraith, Epitaph, EuphonaPrime, Exergis, Argonak, FangPrime, Felarx, ArcaTitron, Fulmin, Furis, GalatinePrime, GhoulSaw, GlaivePrime, GlaxionVandal, Gram prime, Guandao, GuandaoPrime, HalikarWraith, Harpak, Hate, Hema, Hespar, HikouPrime, HystrixPrime, IgnisWraith, Innodem, KarystPrime, Keratinos, Amphix, KnellPrime, Komorex, Kompressa, Korrudo, Korumm, Kulstar, Kunai, Laetum, Lanka, Vastilok, RedeemerPrime, RubicoPrime, LatoVandal, LatronPrime, Lenz, LexPrime, BratonPrime, MagnusPrime, MaraDetron, Masseter, Miter, MutalistPrime, MutalistQuanta, Nagantaka, NagantakaPrime, NamiSkylaPrime, Nataruk, Nepheri, NikanaPrime, NinkondiPrime, Ocucor, OpticorVandal, OrthosPrime, PanderoPrime, PangolinPrime, PanteraPrime, Paracesis, ParisPrime, Pathocyst, Pennant, Perigale, PhantasmaPrime, Phenmor, Plinx, Pox, Praedos, PrismaGrakata, PrismaGrinlok, PrismaLenz, PrismaMachete, PrizmaSkana, ProboscisCernos, Pulmonars, PyranaPrime, QuantaVandal, Quassus, Quatz, Quellor, Rauta, ReaperPrime, Rumblejack, Sampotes, SanctiCastanasx7, SanctiMagistarx4, SanctiTigrisx3, Sarofang, Sara, Scindo, ScindoPrime, Scoliac, ScourgePrime, SecuraDualCestrax8, SecuraLectax4, SecuraPentax5, Sepulcrum, Shaku, Shedu, Sheev, Sibear, SicarusPrime, SigmaOcantis, SilvaAegisPrime, Skiajati, Slaytra, Snipetron, SomaPrime, SpectraVandal, SpiraPrime, Sporothrix, Stahlta, Steflos, StradavarPrime, Stropha, StrunPrime, Stug, SunMoon, SupraVandal, Syam, Synapse, Synoidgammacorx3, SynoidHeliocor, TatsuPrime, Zenithx2, TekkoPrime, TelosAkboltox3, TelosBoltace, TenoraPrime, TiberonPrime, TigrisPrime, TipedoPrime, Torid, Trumna, TwinBasolk, TwinKohmak, Tysis, Vectis, VectisPrime, Velox, Venato, Verdilac,Vericres, ViperWraith, Vitrica, VolnusPrime, VulkarWraith,War, WolfSledge, Xoris, ZaktiPrime, Zenistar, ZhugePrime, Zylok, Zymos,

    TenetAgendus, TenetExec, TenetFerrox, TenetGrigori, TenetLiviax2, TenetTetra, TenetEnvoy, TenetDiplos, TenetSpirex, TenetArcaPlasmor, TenetFluxRiflex2, TenetCycron, TenetDetron, TenetPlinx

    KuvaSeer, KuvaShildeg, KuvaKarak, KuvaHek, KuvaKraken, KuvaZarx2, KuvaBramma, KuvaQuartakk, KuvaNukor, KuvaChakkhurr, KuvaOgris, KuvaDrakgoon, KuvaTwinStubbas, KuvaTonkor, KuvaKohm, KuvaBrakk, KuvaHind.

    Multiple Kitguns and zaws.


    There are over 150 rivens but there are always NOTEABLE RIVENS.

    Burston +cd +cc +ms -zoom (Assault rifle with high fire rate and dps , basicly makes every enemy cry)

    Miter + s d + cd + cc - infested damage (Extreme amount of damage , makes the entire game childplay)

    Kunai + s d + cc + ms - infested (Extreme single target one hitter , can hit damage cap with right build)

    Zenith rivens , for both PT and Eidolons. Regardless if its pylons or long limbs its taken care of.

    Amphis and Ripkas rivens for Khora. (Amphis for solo play Ripkas if you are with a nekros) Viable up to 5k (got bored)

    Plinx +cd +cc +recoil another overpowered crit pistol.

    2 Kronsh rivens for Contaigon damage caps.

    Rubico +ms +heat +cd -sd, extremely well for eidolons.

    ogris + toxin + zoom + damage - cd , special for saryn users.

    Laetum, phenmor, latron, sibear , ceramic dagger, paris , dread etc... Multiple incarnon rivens with at least good stats.


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. filu

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    Do not trade with this user.

    The account was anounced for sale elsewhere for 7061 $, was then taken down by the original seller and updated with new info, new images and a new price of 6661 $, some of the updates refer to the date 16.07.23

    We are on the 20.07.23, 4 days later and this supposed "seller looking for serious buyers" is selling the same account here for 275$

    The copy and paste skills are great indeed
    Semitrap likes this.
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