9 maxed mechs - guardian, panther, killshot, orion, zepyr, brickhouse, stalker, ares and surge. Redeemer at rank 6, bastion obtained, rank 3. Em 16 and 12 rank 6'. Railgun 16 maxed, disk launcher 12 maxed, carbine 12 maxed, arc # 10 and 12 maxed ect. Pilots maxed - arch angel and baron, boar, fei, both neymars, myna, stefania, g lock etc.. contact me on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Fuctuplivingston?mibextid=ZbWKwL) or discord (trvelivingston1488) for more details or to make an offer, if interested. I can make a new check out if we reach a deal.