PRICE : $225 LOOKING FOR SERIOUS BUYER ONLY ADD ME IN DISCORD IF YOURE INTERESTED rizzapeach Veteran Account: Enjoy the benefits of a well-established account since 2015. Impressive Achievements: Diverse collection of titles, medals, and profile picture. Extensive Vehicle Collection: Access to almost all of the vehicles in top tier except those introduced recently. Rare and Premium Vehicles: Exclusive and sought-after vehicles like the panther 2 and also various premium and talismans to help play. Advanced Crew Skills: Plenty of slots with trained and dedicated crew. Full Access: This account is fully accessible and ready for immediate ownership transfer. Screenshots: United States of America Germany Soviet Union / Russia United Kingdom Japan China Italy France Sweden Israel Helicopter (Germany, Japan, Russia, Israel, and UK) Gaijin account security settings Gaijin Pass: Disabled Phone bind to Gaijin account: Disabled Two-step authentication: Disabled Verification questions: None Email account security settings Phone number linked to email account: None Two-factor authentication: Disabled Backup / recovery email address: None Email security question: Disabled