Hi, i'm going to sell my high end account. I played beta with it and i have all beta emblems. This is also a top crucible account:- I have an overall in crucible of 2kd with more than 60000 kills. I play a lot trials:- Hunter's kd is 2.2; titan's 2.44 and warlock's 2.6. All characters have gears to reach 335 level of light (even if they aren't equip.) I also have tons of year 1 weapons: -Her Benevolence (hid. hand, unflinch., shortgaze); -year 1 iron banner sniper (you spawn with 18 bullets in your magazine); -pretorian foil (maybe the rarest weapon in the game); -y1 shadow price; - lots of god roll fusion rifles (i love them). I have a god roll party crasher (max. reachable range; it has range finder). I have all y1 and y2 exotics (all gunsmith weapons and also all 3 swords). I have only 1 longbow (longview 10; mulligan; partial refund). The account comes with the Undying light emblem and also all Trials embelms( also scarab). I have ttk digital expansion, 1 year of ps plus, fallout 4 with also season pass. I went flawless 115 times ( i have all flaw. gears; in particoular 3 doctrines with best perks). All class are max leveled. I have 1 titan, 1 warlock and 1 hunter. I also have a spark of light if you want to delete and create a new character. I have a positive feedback on Playerup. I have all masks from Hallowen event. I also have great year 1 gears. I have more than 1500 strange coins, 2000 motes of light and 300+ passage coins. I spent 80 days to build this character. I dont need to sell it soon so i'm not to sell it for a ridiculous price. I also have god roll grasps and lord high fixer. My pirce is 670$; please don't contact me if you want to buy it for 300$ or if you want to trade your cat. I accept only payment throughtout paypal. If you need to contact me email me: [email protected] I have 1500+ strange coins, 2000+ motes of light and 300+ http://[IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1469976888/tpzkxhzvxgyhkyel5lqc.jpg[/IMG] http://[IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1469976880/bhz8xekbfxnxxsc9xx3m.jpg[/IMG] http://[IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1469976886/clozn83u2f6adlq2vx91.jpg[/IMG] http://[IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1469976883/kewchpdxjcuijfwh0nyx.jpg[/IMG] http://[IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1469976887/nfjvmexkteebwci5alhp.jpg[/IMG] http://[IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1469977031/jvrrijgsc37kunpkkcnl.jpg[/IMG] http://[IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1469977098/lyhwknlkexih0zpd483n.jpg[/IMG]
I'm very interested in this account. I was dumb and deleted all my y1 stuff when ttk dropped. Anyway, do you have a Felwinter's or a Matador 64?