Sold Vindictus EU 5 Charakters Lynn 86 lvl, Hurk 75 lvl, Vella 75 lvl, Arisha 66 lvl, Evie 47 lvl

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hodor75, 7/30/16.

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  1. Hodor75

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    Im selling my account with 5 Characters, EU server. Only paypal!!!

    Lynn 86 lvl:
    -3kk gold,
    -Armageddon glaive +6
    -Noblesse helm +4
    -Noblesse mail +5
    -Noblesse greaves +5
    -Noblesse gauntlets +4
    -Noblesse boots +5
    NX: side braid ponytail (permanent), vip 10 days

    Vella 75 lvl:
    -Apocryphal-set +4 - +6
    -white shark-set
    -exquisites butterfly set
    -exquisites blood prince set
    NX: avatar gothic-set (permanent), loose body wave (permanent), vella inner armor gothic grace (permanent), vip 8 days

    Hurk 75 lvl:
    -majesty-set +5 (all, permanent)
    -majesty greatsword +8 (permanent)
    NX: vip 5 days

    Arisha 66 lvl:
    -scaveger set, weapon,....

    Evie 47 lvl:
    NX: natural twin tail hair for Evie (permanent), high-class inner armor for Evie (permanent)

    NX (all characters):
    Shared storage coupon (180 days), cash character slot, summer days support package, merc recovery potion - 175, premium weapon fusion rune, premium enchant rune, party merc recovery potion - 65, godess grace - 38, godess grace (party) - 16, divine blessing stone - 31, channel megaphone - 8, server megaphone - 3, AP blessing stone - 5, max durability increase potion - 4, Clodaghs dye ampoule - 2, unbind potion - 6, enchancement rune - 5, fusion rune -1 and more....

    Price contact plz
    contact: [email protected]
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