Selling Blizzard account.

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brolod, 7/28/16.

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  1. Brolod

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    My Location:
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    Overwatch:Wins-626,Time played-152 hours,ranked-47,lvl 56 with 1 star,56 player Icons.
    Diablo 3 Ros:achis-3970,5 chars to lvl 70(Wizard,Monk,Barbarian,Witch Doctor,Demon Hunter),Paragon 308,1 wing,1 pet,17 portait frames,1 pennant.
    WOW WOD:No sub time,2 lvl 100 chars on 2 different realms The Sha'tar and Hellfire(1 warrior,1 dk)Alot of heirlooms,60 mounts including Ashes of Alar,8500 achis.
    Hots:4 Heroes to 10(Including master skins on all 4 of them),2 heroes at 9,4 heroes at 8,Hero League:Silver 2,Team League:Unrancked,839 games played,31 portaits.Lvl 40.Hero lvl 209.
    Hearthstone:9 standard mode decks,10 card backs,10 heroes,450 cards from all expansions,No adventure mode wings,235 gold,Hunter lvl 22,Rogue lvl 24,Shaman lvl 14,Warrior lvl 32,Mage lvl 36,Druid lvl 18,Paladin lvl 26,Warlock lvl 24,Priest lvl 23.No wild mode decks.
    Starcraft 2:Not unlocked.
    The price for the account is 200 euros.
    Paypal only.
    No trades.
    Add me on FB Dinos Loutsa in order to get to an agreement.

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