Sold [Selling] 100 softcore Ice Shards Sorcerer bis gear max paragon+(53 hardcore druid) 300$

Discussion in 'Diablo 4 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Exo Boost, 7/13/23.

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  1. Exo Boost

    Exo Boost
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    A lot of resources AND MORE...

    100 lvl Ice Shards Sorcerer with insane gear! godlike neck(super rare, mega dps for my build)/chest/weapon/rings/head all # items you can check
    can complete 70+ NM dungeons solo
    + a lot of other rare epic gear for other specs in my stash
    I'm original owner of the account, your acount will be safe 100%
    - 50+ millions of gold
    - 2 21 lvl glyph and the others 16+ levels
    - collected all altars of lilith, full renown
    - also on the account 53 lvl pulverize druid on hardcore with full altars of lilith
    - fake name bnet , can play on PC and PS5 digital deluxe edition (includes battle pass)
    After paying you will get all info from battlenet account and email and could change them all

    Price 300$ Crypto/Paypal f&f

    Feel free to ask any info Discord: Exo#4291
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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