Sold Selling Selling android account with 6 shadowforge

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by arctic.reece, 7/18/16.

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  1. arctic.reece

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Account info:


    Spectral Elite: Assent Level 9, Has ring and amulet
    Silvanus Stonemail: Assent lvl Maxed
    Silvanus Stonemail+: Assent lvl: 3
    Clepsydra Brassgear: Assent Lvl 7
    Erebus Ward: Assent Lvl 3
    Aqens Void: Assent lvl 2


    Noble Plumule+: lvl 101, Has ring and amulet
    Hyaline Sleetrobes: lvl 105 Has ring and amulet
    Beetlefly Carapace+: lvl 105
    Flight of Firenze: lvl 102 Has ring and amulet
    Nautilus Waveplate: lvl 100 has ring and amulet
    Jurassic Scalemail+: lvl 100
    Anisopteran Carapace: lvl 96 Has ring and amulet
    PREVIOUS RAID ARMOR! Sanguine Array: lvl 65 Has ring and amulet
    Mastodons Embrace+: lvl 35 has ring and amulet
    Magna Mater+ : lvl 14 Has ring and amulet
    Magna Mater: lvl has set

    Looking for offers currently Message me on skype or Line!

    Skype ID: zephyr-lad

    for faster response message reeceakazephyr
    slower response: Arctic LGX

    Thanks for taking time to view
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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