Sold Selling Selling really good account with t10 DF and 2 DFs+ with sets

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Moose Anonymous, 7/18/16.

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  1. Moose Anonymous

    Moose Anonymous
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    I have an acc I want to sell that has a t10 armor with the set along with other DFs and plus DFs

    The DFs are:
    Florrid Array with set
    Ancient Frondmail+ with set
    Fristbitten Wolfhide+ with set
    Soulbound Scalemail with set

    The account has tons of epic+ and epics along with amazing bling and bling fusion boosts.

    Theaccount also features really goid good pets along with a four star fire pet lvl38

    The castle is maxed out with four armor smiths three of which are maxed completely.

    A few SF materials and 6mil gold are also on the account.

    It has 140+ raid energy and 30+ arena and epic boss energy

    Payment can be through PayPal or iTunes cards. I am looking for around 100+ offers are welcome.

    My line is bananknight screen shots will be provided on request scammers don't even try I know how you guys work. Will not go first Money then account I have traded with many people and bought from people so I have sources if you want confirmation. I am also I Touch alliance so I have a rep I would never ruin by scamming.

    Thank I you for your time
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