Selling 3 Pokemon Go Accounts All Accounts are on Team Valor and are holding several lvl 7 Gyms Payment: paypal First one lvl 22 Lapras 1799 cp Lapras 1522 cp Flareon 1480 cp Flareon 1336 cp Electabuzz 1262 cp Flareon 1239 cp Flareon 1234 cp Hypno 1226 cp Golduck 1213 cp Pidgeot 1163 1105 Nidoking 2x more 1k cp Hyno and 1k Scyther Second one lvl 21 this account is missing like 4 bonbons for an high cp gengar to evolve 1475 Golduck 1226 Hypno 1206 Vaporeon 1136 Flareon 1126 Tentacruel 1071 Hypno 1009 Cloyster 923 Scyther 919 Flareon 901 Pidgeot onyx,dratini and other rare pokemons last one lvl 18 1268 Vaporeon 1042 Jolteon 1040 Hypno 910 Exeguttor Im open to offers : hit me up on line: deftsu94 gmail: [email protected] We will keep progressing with those accounts until theyre sold