Selling  North America   High End  Level 50+ 1570 Berserker 1. 4mil gold 20k blue crystal -2 server A 1540 pala

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by cenWhite, 5/16/23.

  1. cenWhite

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    Hi guys I cant focus game to much so Im selling my full account

    Main account is on kadan and I was working on alt full roster on zinnervale so there can be full roster with easy with upcoming pass.​

    To discuss pricing and request screenshots, add me to discord::Marshal#0224

    Fresh mail and fresh steam account only for this game

    Other 5 character can easly push with my banked maths but I dont wanna do more raid so they are staying their spots.

    Im editing page weekly so some walues maybe can diffrent pictures .

    4800 hours playtime orginal owner empty steam and mail

    Gold : Kadan 1,1m Zinne 310 k = +1,4mil gold increasing everyday

    On kadan
    All quest done .In 6 characterr all story quest done .All raport npc finished.All side content almost finished you can see details in pictures.
    4800 hour no rmt or ban any warning
    Roster lwl 221
    leg grudge ,master ten,heavy armor ,stab satus eng,raid cap, bar

    leg mayhem and berserker techn eng

    2 class leg selector

    6 leg pet for every spec +10 pets

    bunch of valuable leg eng book waiting for market price go up

    amythest shard wolf mounts
    1,1m raw gold (increasing everyweek)
    20k blue crystal (currently worth 720k gold )
    73m silver (increase everyday)
    12 leg card selector (each worth around 20 k gold )
    +10 skinn chest (mokoko penguin etc)

    Restful melody berserk skin set , Omen skin set berserk
    founder title +5 berserker sword skin
    70 lwl stronghold all reasarch done
    High virtue stats (you can see in pictuers)
    All una reputation done
    Sea coin chest s
    astray lwl 10 with crew
    ghost ship with buff crew

    many bank inventory slots bought with blue crystal

    2 ship skin (one turtle skin and other is cash shop)
    A lot of bound mats and box for future class
    500+ eng book selector and a lot of diffrent eng book in banks for sells
    Full awekinged def card set for berserker
    Los card set 18 awa holy +7
    lost wind card set 12 awe crit %7- support card set for pt damage
    +25 relic +100 leg rapport item for future rapport npc
    14 plat field ticket worth around 5-7 k gold

    270 card slot
    All skill point done
    All important skill runes done (there are left some duplicates but no value)

    Main 1570 berserker

    Full relic set + full relic acc ( lwl 2 relic set)( full ancient gear done )
    5*3 eng (mass + grudge + master t +mayhem + keen blunt )(neck worh around 100 k )
    8/7 and 9/5 relic ability stonegvg pvp build 4*3 with leg acc
    408 max skill point
    +20 brel wep weapon quality 96

    lwl 5 tripod
    3 lwl 10 dmg gem , 1 lwl 9 damage gem rest lwl 7 gems

    1540 pala alt
    6 p relic set and acc
    4*3 +1 (hevy armor -bless - aweking - expert 1 sp) full relic acc

    1540 berserker alt
    5x3 bers tech full relic set gona change mayhem with ancient
    omen skin set

    full relic gear

    20 wep

    8-7 ambust adreneline stone

    5x3 adren + control + raid + grudge + ambush master

    all 5-6 lwl epic gem s

    1540 Bard

    4x3 +1 +1 expe+ds +aw+armor + cris ev

    6p relic set

    lwl 5 gems

    1480 Slayer

    currently building hyper express character

    On zinnervale server
    Roster 137

    bounch of leg eng waiting for market price up

    all skill point done - all bifrost key done
    all una rep done
    330k gold
    48m silver increasing everyweek
    crit 7 card set

    3 leg card selector

    leg baricade and stab status

    I did use punika pass on this server soo all continent roster quest finished

    Gunlancer 1543

    All story quest done

    6 piece relic gear lwl 2 set brell3 ancient piece

    lwl 5 tripods
    4x3 + x2 +x1 (ad3 + grudge 3+ bar3 +stab sta 3+ sprit +2 combat1) 5x3

    7-7 stone grudge /adre

    lwl 7 gems

    1541 alt destroyer

    5x3 gt build 1 ancient piece

    1 level 9 gem for hyper

    rest lwl 7gem

    1400s hadowhunter alts t3

    2 t1 alts for unas
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Semitrap

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