Sold OG Account for sale

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Disconnecteddr, 7/5/23.

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  1. Disconnecteddr

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    - Over 10 castles across characters including many with pvp locations: massive fantasy palace, darkmoor castle, Botanical Gardens, Shinobi Dojo, Nomad’s Camp, Briny Deep Retreat and more including bountiful mine
    - Doomsday Crock Gauntlet, Fantastic Voyage Expedition, Sinbad Gauntlet, Midnight Sun Pagoda, Accursed Play Gauntlet, Grand Tourney Arena, TangleWood Terror Gauntlet, Battle of the Bands gauntlet Bountiful Mine and more.
    - One of the rarest, OG mounts in the game "charity noelephant"
    - Triple double, and triple double mighty pets for both level 130+ Characters (life and ice) , and another lower level character with the best gear and with triple double max stats as well. + many unique pets on the ice.
    - 5+ Fog staffs and 5+ Amarathine Staffs, and an umbrea blade + more (very rare fishing wands). Lots of headmasters crystal wands as well as too many crowns wands to count
    - Prestigious robe, spooky carnival outfit, electric eel whip, and many other cool bundle/crowns items
    - 2% accuracy mount, 2% piercing mount, 2% damage mount, 3 50 speed mounts, hydra, skyriven, all the Omen Striborg mounts including ice skates. Halloween mounts like cloudstrider pegasus, the nightmare, cloud for every school, too many mounts to count.
    - Best level 130 gear in the game for ice (pvp ready), great gear for life too and the best gear for another lower-level character.
    - Couch potato 69+ already set up with the things it likes. Along with hundreds of mega snacks in backpack ready to use. + More couch potatoes in bank + evil magma peas in bank

    Many other cool features too many to list.

    Message Now to buy - or message discord Disconnected#3910 or drop a discord username I can message as well. To protect both parties involved payment will only be accepted through PayPal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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